My garden

Monday, November 10, 2014

One thing I love to draw/paint/ look at/ roll around in.. if I could , are flowers. I am obsessed and when I don't know what to paint, thats pretty much where I start. Sad part is, every time I've ever tried to grow a plant or care for one growing up; It always died. I always thought I was cursed and did not have the "mano buena" like my mom would say. Pretty much, I didn't have the "magic touch" that is required to be able to keep beautiful healthy plants. So I was always afraid to plant any in fear that they would not last long.

Of course I did not think that my childhood bedrooms in NYC with tiny windows and little sunlight had anything to do with it. I know better now and have actually set up some plants in my new studio. Crossing my fingers! Below, a snap of my dream flower garden I've painted over and over.


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